Overview of Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC)


In the competitive global market, buyer are demanding lower price, higher quality and shorter lead time and manufactures are also seeking to minimize the production cost but situation becomes more difficult as the constant raise in price of raw materials. Given the reality, the best solution is to use modern tools and technology to increase productivity by using existing resources. 

To facilitate the member factories, BKMEA is the first Bangladeshi Trade Organization that has embarked upon the initiative to run Training & Consultancy Service on “Productivity and Quality Improvement” in Knitwear industries through implementation of “Lean Manufacturing System”. So, BKMEA is the Pioneer of Lean Journey in Bangladesh RMG Sector. BKMEA came up with a unique initiative to make its member factories more productive and competitive in 2006 under “Productivity Improvement Program (PIP)” in collaboration with GIZ. BKMEA formed a department called “Productivity Improvement cell (PIC)” comprising of twelve members to carry out Productivity Improvement Program. 

Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) is a structured and organized department dedicated to enhancing productivity and efficiency across various operational areas especially in Cutting, Sewing and Finishing. PIC works with dynamic, dedicated and highly motivated professional trainers and consultants of having experience on Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), Textile Engineering and Productivity Experts. They are well trained by national and international consultants. PIC members have gained diversified trainings on Lean Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Industrial Engineering and Production Management.

Objectives of Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC)

  • To develop skilled workforce from unskilled and semi-skilled people.  
  • To engage with BKMEA member factories to enhance their productivity levels through consultation and guidance on IE and Lean Manufacturing.
  • To coordinate and organize skill development workshops and seminars to spread awareness and knowledge on productivity improvement.

Activities of PIC:

Providing consultancy services on productivity improvement

Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) provides factory based training and consultancy services in the following ways:

  • IE and Lean Manufacturing System Implementation
  • Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology
  • Factory Floor Layout Design
  • Reengineering of existing Layout
  • Quality Assurance System Development


Delivering training on certificate courses under Institute of Apparel Research &Technology( iART)

  • Apparel Merchandising
  • Industrial Engineering & Lean Manufacturing
  • Production Planning & Supply Chain Management
  • Textile Manufacturing & Lab Management. 


Delivering Industrial Training Program for University Students on “Garment Technology & Lean Manufacturing”

BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) conducts the following training programs for the students of Industrial & Production Engineering and Textile Engineering departments of various engineering universities of Bangladesh.

  • Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET).
  • Jessore University of Science & Technology  (JUST)
  • Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU)
  • Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
  • Prime Asia University (PAU)


Working Methodology of PIC on Consultancy Services:

On consultancy services, PIC has own working methodology divided into five phases. The phases are: 

 Phase I - Lean Assessment

In this phase, value stream mapping (VSM), process mapping and operations scanning are conducted for existing data collection and to draw a comprehensive picture of the existing status of the enterprise. 

Phase II – Awareness Development Training Program

Training is provided to the factory management and the production floor staff (workers, floor supervisor, production manager, general manager, etc.) on lean culture, methods of identification of value added versus non value added activities and tools required to eliminate wastes. 

 Phase III - Setting up 1st Pilot Run

The new production concept, as per the assessment, is designed during this stage.  One production line is selected for implementing all the changes as per the new concept. 

Phase IV – Support Concept

At this stage, all activities related to management and engineering are established. 

Phase V - Global Changes

Once the first trial has been successfully implemented, global changes will be designed, and activities will be set with agreed time lines covering the overall changes and implementation across the factory. 

Project Experiences & Achievements:

PIC has the several working experiences with different donor agencies or stakeholders like GIZ, PRIMARK, UNIDO, EPB and Ministry of Finance & ADB. 


BKMEA-GIZ Projects (2007-2011):

BKMEA has signed with GIZ on March 16, 2005 to enhance Productivity Improvement in RMG sector. PIC has provided consultancy services on productivity improvement through IE and Lean manufacturing in 53 knitwear factories in collaboration with GIZ under the supervision of Lean Consultant Charles Dagher. The following IE and Lean tools & techniques have been implemented during execution in factory level. These tools & techniques include Workplace Organization (5S), Kanban, Visual Control Systems, Traffic Light Systems for quality improvement, Cellular Manufacturing, Quick changeover, Kaizen, Line balancing and Work Study. 

The technical achievements of PIC in providing consultancy service are as follows

  • Efficiency Increase (%)
  • Line Balancing Improvement (%)
  • Lead time and production cost reduction
  • Work study/ IE team development
  • Quality improvement and DHU(%) reduction


BKMEA- UNIDO Projects (2012-2014):

Also PIC team successfully trained factory personnel around 1300 on IE and Lean tools to implement new tools & techniques in the production more efficiently.


BKMEA has its own training institute in Dhaka in 2006. On February 16, 2012, BKMEA and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to run a state of the art training academy in Narayanganj. BKMEA aimed to make a bigger institute with more machinery and lab to train up people for the knitwear industry. Finally, BKMRA established the Institute of Apparel Research & Technology (iART) in Narayanganj with the support of UNIDO. 

PIC members have also gained professional trainings on Lean Manufacturing, Quality Assurance and Fabric Optimization with consultation of Mr. Laurentiu Razvan Ionele, GHERZI Textile Organization. 


Certificate Courses Under iART:

During UNIDO project BKMEA trained 1182 trainees in their own training institutions (2012-2014):


Achievements on Industrial Training Program for University Students:

BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) is conducting the following training programs for the students of Industrial & Production Engineering dept. and Textile Engineering dept. of public and private universities in Bangladesh.


This short training focuses on contribution of RMG sector, tools & techniques of IE and Lean and waste identification & elimination methodology. This skill training has a profound impact on academic, personal and professional performance. This training explores the importance of skill building for the students. After getting training, students gain confidence, resilience and a broader perspective about RMG sector.